The Rijksmuseum was opened in 2013 after a decade-long renovation program, and is a great spot for those who appreciate art and are willing to visit Amsterdam to see the Rembrandt and other paintings on display. Below are some tips on best enjoying a Rijksmuseum highlights tour.
Finding Your Way
The museum comprises of four floors labeled zero through three, albeit non-chronologically. In order to see the objects in the right order, you have to begin at the basement which holds the Middle Ages exhibits. After that, you can go to the first floor where the 17th-century rooms are located. This should be followed by a brief walk across a diagonal staircase to the ground floor, where you would find the 18th and 19th-century exhibits. Finally, for the 20th-century assortments, you have to visit the two floors at the very top.
It is advisable to use the first floor as reference to navigate the building, because that one is easily accessible from all corners of the place. The Gallery of Honour is the heart of the museum, and holds The Night Watch, where most of the famous paintings are housed.
Furthermore, there is also a new Asia Pavillion which is a separate building containing interesting collections from Vietnam, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, China, Vietnam, and India. This place can be accessed through passages along a corner of the entrance foyer.
The Entry Process
The summers and springs are the busiest times in this museum. Tourists, as well as the Dutch people, would be eager to visit the place at those times of year. It is, therefore, best to visit on weekdays. In this, it is advisable to show up during the initial 2 hours of the morning from 9 am and the last two hours before the clock hits 5 pm. There is also the option to buy tickets online in advance, in order to give you the freedom to choose your visiting time, as it does not mandate any particular date or time.
Visiting the Collection
Note that the museum is one of the most expensive in the whole of Europe, and does not provide concession seniors or students. Rijksmuseum is one of the artistic jewels of Amsterdam. Make sure you gather basic information about the place before deciding to visit it.